Sunday, December 6, 2009

Propaganda in WWII

Art in propaganda has been fundamental to political movements, motivations for war, and even national unity (even though often it was for a unity of hatred). In every way it should be considered art. It expresses emotion, takes skill to make, represents culture, and in this case has a strict agenda. Propaganda art is used to shape public perception of a situation, to control the mindset of the people. There are numerous examples of this throughout time, but in particular WWII was wrought with propaganda art, particular American, Soviet, and Nazi propaganda against each other and against Jews.

Each government tried to shape the mindset of their people and motivate them against a common enemy.This takes very precise planning and extremely good execution to achieve, characteristics that show propaganda art is easily defined as art. Also the widespread influence that these images attained also elevates their stature as art. A few examples:

This is obviously an American WWII propaganda poster stating an American agenda. It seems the US government wanted its citizens to save on energy costs so it motivated them to save gasoline and other resources (gasoline saving would fall into the general WWII rationing programs). So the message is clear, but there are subtle aspects to the image that are also meant to persuade the viewer, perhaps subconsciously. Take for example the fact that there is a handsome, well-dressed, stylish man driving a nice convertible automobile. Wouldn't every American man want to be like this? These are the subconscious messages that are supposed to drive the viewer to acquiesce to the message, and also the reason that these paintings exhibit so much skill and forethought and should be definitely categorized as art.

If this picture isn't masterful propaganda work designed to hide evil motivations than I don't know what is. This picture is obviously designed to make Hitler seem like a godly leader and refers back to the old European ideal of “the divine right of kings.” It proclaims “Germany (Deutschland) Lives!” The picture incorporates the Nazi eagle descending from the heavens blessing Germany and its people and showing its citizens that there war is godly, moral, and just. Even the well-executed design work on the periphery (gold leaf) gives an air of righteousness. Once again propaganda art exhibits itself as a clear and powerful art form.

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